CAUTION: Dreamers in/on sight
Serigraphy, chine colle and thread drawings
22 x 30 in.
“Mojándose, Crossing” from the Series Borders
Intaglio, chine colle, Relief, thread drawings and blind embossing
plate 8 x 10 in. paper 15 x 22 in.
This print is the first one from the series “Borders”, which are abstractions that relate to the border between Mexico and USA.
“For my little Andrea: May you never feel trapped”
Mixed Media:Drawings by my daughter Andrea and her left foot-print transferred to a plate and etched. Sewing machine and hand embroidery, stitching. Color xerox-copy of an old photograph, red willow, wire, thread and a milagro (charm).
10.5 x 15 x 2.75
Mixed Media: Handmade paper, reeds, fabric, found metals, metallic thread. Knitted wire, Polaroid transfer, machine stitching, hand embroidery.
10 1/8 x 11 1/2 x 2 3/4
“Her Majesty” (La jefa)
Etching and chine colle
25 3/4” x 23 3/4” in
Her Majesty ( La Jefa), was created using stitching elements pressed into the soft ground. A collaged skirt using paper from a published collection of the State Trials and proceedings upon High Treason and other crimes and misdemeanors from the reign of King Richard II to the end of the reign of King George I which was printed in London in 1730.
“La Torera”
Etching, engraving and chine cole.
11 x 14 inches
This print is about a legend from Quito Ecuador. The “Bullfighter” La Torera, was a lady with an imposing character who dressed up elegantly and wandered the streets of the city with a stick keeping people in order and conserving justice.
Bleeding Heart
Intaglio, Engraving, Serigraphy, collage and thread drawing.
23 x 30 inches
This work talks about how we sometimes encounter vicissitudes in our lives that just break our heart. But there is something more powerful that comes from a very deep place from within, that wins over. And we forgive and hopefully forget so we can move on and stand up straight.
Serigraphy (19 runs)
24 x 30 inches
Mappings (Trazos)
Etching (wall installation)
each separate print is 20 x 26in.
This group of prints entitled “Mappings” (Trazos), addresses ideas of domination, acculturation and assimilation. The background text is taken from the 16th century Codex Mendoza’s manuscript, which details a history of Aztec rulers and their conquests including the tributes paid by the conquered. The figures depict a dancer and an old lady or a pregnant woman. The manuscript serves as a symbol of the underlying impact of the “conquest” upon the Americas and the figures as a symbol of what transpired following the conquest and throughout time.
“Childhood Memories III: Growing up in Ecuador”
Artist’s Books: Crocheted raffia, cyanotypes printed on veneer.
5 3/4 x 5 x 5in.