
Apuntes will be happy to review your article and/or post your comments. In order for articles and comments to be published, they must adhere to the journal’s editorial policies, which are as follows:

  • Apuntes will seek and accept materials from any Latino on any topic that the Editor deems appropriate and worthy of diffusion. Inappropriate materials include:
    (a) Pornographic material or material whose purpose is to infiltrate pornographic images or language.
    (b) Materials with a solely commercial purpose (i.e., “infomercials”). Articles about an upcoming book, movie, theater production, or similar enterprise may be acceptable if they illuminate while promoting.
    (c) Material that includes racist, homophobic, or hate-speech towards any person, group, or organization.
    (d) Language that libels or smears the character of others.
    (e) Material that makes demonstrably false allegations.
  • Apuntes will not censor appropriate materials; while all materials submitted will undergo an editing process, the editing will not attempt to revise content.
  • Apuntes will credit all written and graphic materials to their original source. Material will be reproduced from blogs only with the prior written authorization of the author. Links will be provided to online sources when appropriate.
  • Comments to posted material will be screened for language and appropriateness. Inappropriate comments will not be posted. Acceptable comments will be posted unedited.
  • If someone commenting wishes to remain anonymous, Apuntes will honor their wishes.


Text in Microsoft Word file or compatible format. Length of articles preferably between 500 and 1000 words but exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis.

Graphics/photographs as JPG files with a minimum resolution of 60 pixels. The author needs to include a photograph (preferably head shot) of him/herself to be included in the byline.

Quality Control

Submitted material selected for publication will undergo a quality control process, as follows:

  • Article will be edited for grammar and spelling, with possible suggestions on content revisions. Edited version will be sent back to author for review and approval. This process will be repeated until Apuntes and author agree on a final version.
  • Author-approved article will be formatted for publication, including photographs and graphics. Formatted article will be sent to author for final review and approval.
  • Author will be provided with a Permission to Publish form, which specifies the author’s ownership of and responsibility for the content of the article, and gives Apuntes permission to publish. Once the signed form is received by Apuntes, the article will be entered into the work flow, to be published as soon as the journal’s schedule allows.

For additional information contact our web producer:
(415) 538-7839


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